Monthly Archives: September 2010

jeez louise!

i decided to skip the blog for this week due to overnight shifts, and dress fittings.  that was a mistake.  apparently my group of 5 followers wouldn’t let it be, so here i am at 11pm on friday night popping out a blog post :).

this post is just going to be an update on my busy life, as i still haven’t put together pics from sandra’s wedding, AND i will definitely do a monday/tuesday meals next week!  promise!

things i feel i should blog about tonight:

1.  i am sorely disappointed in martha stewart.  seriously.

2.  how fashion forward i have become this week.

3. the western fair.

alright, let’s get this post going!

1.  martha martha martha!  last week,  you all read about my pom-pom experience and how i was praising martha stewart for being so…martha!  you all know what i mean.  martha is awesomely fantastic in all that she does.  so last week when i saw the annual hallowe’en issue of martha’s magazine come out, i first squealed in delight (of course), then purchased it immediately.  that’s where the excitement stopped.  i have bought the last 2 annual hallowe’en issues, and love them!  i’ve read them about 100 times each, and love love love the ideas in them!  LOVE!  when i opened up this year’s issue, i found that all the magazine was, was a repeat of the last 2 issues put into 1 issue!!!!!  wtf?!  and it was a $9 magazine!  come on martha!  can’t you come up with new ideas?  seriously!  the food ideas were the same, the costume ideas- same!  decor ideas…you guessed- SAME!  sigh.  i was pissed.  luckily i work at a store and was able to get my friggen money back.  i will be honest, 1% of the mag’s ideas were new, but not clearly not enough for a whole magazine, hence the repeats i’m guessing.  friggen martha.  she’ll have to earn back my trust i think.

yes. this IS what i look like in tights! 😛 haha

2.  on wednesday of this past week i wore leggings for the first time since grade six….in public!  haha.  yea yea, i know you’re probably saying duh erin, they’ve been “cool” for like 2 years.  well my friends, i have finally joined the year 2010.  and i’m glad to be here.

3.  tonight i had the opportunity to work at the shoppers booth at the western fair.  it was a nice change of pace, and let’s face it- fair food is the bomb.  who doesn’t like fair food?!  sausage on a bun, candy corn, fudge, deep fried anything!  love it!  i didn’t indulge in all those food choices…i was only there for 5 hours, and frankly, that would have been disgusting!  but i did get a chance to have a sausage on a bun, and an elephant ear! 🙂  while in line for an elephant ear i did notice that they also now sell….drum roll please!!!   deep fried…..butter!  blech!  i almost got it just to see why someone would ever think of doing that!  and you know what?  people were eating it!  they basically cover the butter in dough, deep fry it, and put chocolate, or whatever you want on it….they end up looking like chicken balls.  ugh.  if anyone out there has ever tried it, let’s hear what it tastes like!  was it worth the $6?!


that’s it for now… see ya on monday!

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wedding wednesday #4

ah martha stewart.  how have i not tried making one of your wedding ideas yet?  well my friends, the wait is over.  i erin flattery have attempted a martha stewart diy project.

i have wanted to try tissue paper pom poms since i first started creeping wedding blogs.  they’re just so cute!  i’m not sure how you couldn’t like them!  i didn’t really prepare for the craft.  let’s be honest, when am i ever really prepared for stuff?  i have been to michaels 2x this week, and it’s only wednesday!  the only thing i really did make sure i had was tissue paper.  if any of you are trying this at home, make sure you have wire, or whatever it is that is supposed to hold the pom pom together.  i ended up wrapping an elastic band around the middle, and it didn’t work so well.

ok, on with the craft.

first, you take 8 sheets of tissue paper, and you stack them on top of each other.  done.

step 2 and 3

next, you start folding the tissue paper into about an inch sections accordion style.  if you think about it, you’ll get it.

then, when it’s all folded, you can cut the ends into shapes.  ie- i just rounded my edges a la martha stewart’s example.  but i think you could probably cut some neat edges into it which would look pretty great.

next, oh, ok you have to make sure the centre of your tissue paper is already wrapped or secured with wire, ribbon or whatever you’re using.  ok.  now you start pulling each layer up and apart from the middle.  now be careful people!  we are working with friggen tissue paper!  did i rip some pieces off you ask?  yes.  yes i did.  well they didn’t so much rip off, as rip strips into the pom pom, but you know what i mean.

last, attach fishing line, or whatever to hang the pom pom wherever your heart desires!  i did not infact have anything to hang it with, so i just kind of  held it up with my hand.  none the less, i was quite pleased with myself!  i ended up getting lazy, and just used the whole pack of tissue paper (12 sheets) instead of using the 8 like they suggest.  this seems like it wouldn’t make a difference right?  wrong.  i think it would be easier to pull apart with 8.  i think i might also try a small pom pom.  they’re just so pretty!

ta da!

if anyone has a birthday, or special occasion coming up you can bet your bottom dollar there’s going to be a pom pom attached! 🙂

wedding diy project?  not sure yet.  cute?  definitely.

last week i mentioned my friend’s wedding full of diy projects!  i haven’t forgotten about it- they will be posted next wednesday!


Filed under DIY, Wedding