Tag Archives: sandra

wedding wednesday #3

45 days and couting until the big day!

while we’re waiting for it to arrive, i’ve got lots to do.  for starters, i’m in a wedding this weekend, which i am so excited for!  my friend sandra also did lots of diy touches, so i’ll be sure to add pics from her day on here next week.

we’ve also got meetings galore with our vendors to finalize all the little details.  on top of those things, i’ve got all the little diy projects i’ve imagined in my head, but haven’t started. sigh.

i can tell you that we do have 97% of the materials we need to do our centre pieces, which is pretty exciting!  the only thing i am not 100% that we have is soil.  we have the containers, the wheat seed, and that’s it.  and Alisa did start a test plot, so we kind of know what to expect- which is great! 🙂

so that’s exciting!  and that WAS mission #1 if i’m not mistaken, so mission #1 is well on it’s way.  on monday when we’re back in the l.dot we’ll plant a couple to make sure all goes without a hitch.

well folks, it’s 11:03 pm, my head is pounding, and my eyes are straining.  so sadly, this wedding wednesday has come to a close.  hopefully i’ll have a couple big posts next week for y’all.

have a great weekend, and we’ll chat soon!  (well, i’ll chat, and you’ll listen (hopefully!) haha).

good night, and have a pleasant tomorrow!

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